Team LDS (and beyond!)

Lance D. Stockbrugger

Lance has spent the past 25 years sharing his agriculture knowledge with producers. As a chartered accountant, specializing in Income Tax, Lance has played an integral role in assisting his clients with their tax reorganizations, estate planning and intergenerational succession transfers. Lance lives on the family farm near Englefeld, Saskatchewan, Canada. The family farm has been in the Stockbrugger name since 1909 and is currently a 4,000 acre cereal and oilseed farm, operated by Lance, his brother and their families. Lance shares his passion for agriculture at each of his public speaking events. He is versed on a number of topics including tax, succession and business management.

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Lane D. Stockbrugger

A marketer by trade, farmer by choice. Lane’s career spans 20 years of marketing, communication, advertising and finance for the agriculture industry. Words can’t express the passion from farming land that’s been in his family for over 100 years. Don’t take my word for it, ask him about the farm and watch for it.


Vanessa A. Stockbrugger

Vanessa Stockbrugger is the Founder of Womencents. Womencents’ mission is to provide women with the opportunity to live their best life, with financial security, self-reliance and confidence.

Vanessa is motivated to help others realize their financial goals today and for the future. Through her investment banking career, business degree and personal life experiences, Vanessa has developed a unique expertise in personal finance and on women enjoying security and independence.

Vanessa comes from a strong family, rooted in Saskatchewan, where she grew up on a family farm. When she was seven years old, tragedy struck her family which forever changed how her family would move forward. The sudden loss of her father taught Vanessa the importance of women being independent and having the financial confidence to make important decisions. Her mother’s tremendous determination and strength to continue to raise her family on the farm, as a single parent with four young children, is what inspires Vanessa today. Vanessa, through the Womencents programs she has developed, strives to motivate and educate other women to ensure they have a strong understanding of their household finances.

Vanessa holds a Business Administration Degree with Great Distinction, majoring in Finance. Vanessa spent a decade of her career as an Investment Banker at a major Canadian Bank. As a Vice President and Director, she was responsible for helping her clients make important strategic and financial decisions to add value and meet their goals.

She lives with her husband and two young (yet financially astute) daughters in Calgary, Alberta.

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